(Policy updated June 13, 2022)
Rental of various rooms within the Drop-in Centre are available for activities consistent with the vision and mission of the Centre. Rentals will be handled by the Rental Coordinator(s). Applicants will need to complete a rental application form and adhere to all of the clauses within that document. A damage deposit may be required.
Requested rentals will be approved in one of two ways.
1. The applicant is a member or past member of the Drop-in Centre or is a family member of a Drop-in Centre member. Members are those that have paid current annual fees and have been a member for at least a year. Requests from former members or their families will also be accepted without the annual fee applying.
2. The Rental Coordinator will have the authority to allow community service organizations to rent the facility, particularly organizations that provide service to seniors. Examples would include FCSS, church groups, Horseshoe Club, Retired Teacher Assoc., AHS, Beltone, etc.).
Should a rental request conflict with a scheduled activity, the Rental Coordinator will give the coordinator of that activity at least two weeks notice or arrange an alternate location within the facility.
All rental groups must be in compliance with restrictions mandated by AHS, Government of Alberta, or PDIC to ensure the health and safety of all participants.
Rental rates for the facility areas will be reviewed and approved by the Board periodically.
Rental requests can be initiated by contacting Bill Jones at 403-783-2957
Rental Rates (Rates effective December, 2024)
Auditorium - $175/day
Card Room - $100day
TV Lounge or Craft Room - $50
Kitchen – full use (all dishes, appliances, etc) - $50
Kitchen – light lunches - $25